life @ sbs

Unveil- Enhance- Excel: Begin a Life-Changing MBA Journey

Let the journey begin..

Welcome to a world where desire and opportunity collide, where dreams take flight, and leaders are created. Step into the incredible world of SISTec MBA, where we are redefining what it means to get an MBA. Prepare for an unforgettable encounter that goes beyond the limits of traditional learning.

We believe that an MBA is more than just a degree; it is a transforming journey that propels you to personal and professional achievement. You will be immersed in an ecosystem that nurtures creativity, sparks intellectual curiosity, and ignites your entrepreneurial spirit the moment you step foot on our lively campus.

Following the best, doing the best!

Consider yourself in a thriving community brimming with brilliance, passion, and various viewpoints. As you engage in lively conversations, work with brilliant minds, and get a complete awareness of the business world from many perspectives, the borders between disciplines blur. Students get firsthand experience of being mentored by the top industry mentors and go through the career path of these renowned mentors.

Academics: Journey to a greater good!

Our campus amenities are more than just physical structures; they serve as accelerators for knowledge development and collaboration. Every area of our campus serves as a breeding ground for creativity and intellectual discovery, from highly advanced libraries to cutting-edge laboratories and collaboration spaces geared for ideation. We are proud to have the top academicians working for us to provide excellent academic and practical knowledge.

Knowledge is Gained, Experience is Earned

In academia, we think that education goes much beyond texts and lectures. That is why we organize a number of enthralling events, conferences, and seminars that attract global luminaries, industry titans, and agile thinkers to our campus. Immerse yourself in thought-provoking debates, acquire insights from seasoned professionals, and see firsthand how your MBA education is being applied in the real world. Our Knowledge Series is a one-of-a-kind expert session wherein experts are frequently invited from different realms to share their valuable insights of sundry topics.

Club and All!

The experience of MBA is not limited to the classroom's four walls. We support the holistic education ethos of SISTec. Our campus beats to the beat of student life and is alive with activity and a wealth of chances for personal development. Participate in a rich array of student clubs and organizations that appeal to every passion and interest, whether it be discovering the boundaries of sustainable business, showcasing your entrepreneurship skills, or having a significant social influence. Our prestigious clubs for marketing, finance, and human resources are called Eagle Edge, Money Movers, and The Front Liners, respectively. By exposing the students to a variety of activities and competitions, they prepare them for these three distinct realms.

The Students Activity Counsel (SAC)

Our MBA college's true heart—our students' spirit—lies beyond the praise and the promises. You will discover a community here that goes beyond the purview of traditional education. Our students are change agents, visionaries, and doers in addition to being learners. They personify resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to shaping the future of business. Eight committees come under the single umbrella of SAC (Student Activity Counsel) which are responsible for conducting various activities in the college. Led by two faculty coordinators, it has a mixture of students from different domains with the intention of providing nothing but the best for college.

From Campus to Corporate!

We are aware that information alone won't pave the road to success; encouragement and direction are also necessary. We give our students' growth and welfare the utmost importance because of this. Our committed support services, such as 360 degree in-house training, career counseling, mentoring programmes, and personal development seminars, provide the framework upon which you can erect your aspirations, making sure that you have the network, assets, and tools necessary to succeed in the cutthroat business environment. Our year-round placement efforts provide students with plenty of opportunities for both internships and jobs.

So, are you prepared to start your MBA journey, which will alter your boundaries, widen your perspectives, and reveal your actual potential? Welcome to SISTec MBA, where we cordially encourage you to participate in a life-altering, transcendental experience. Acquire a global mentality that will set you apart in the linked world of business by embracing diversity, honing your cultural sensitivity, and enhancing your intelligence.Together, let's unleash the leader within you and set off on a voyage of limitless opportunity.